Zen Falco Massage LondonMassage and Reiki in East London
Leyton & Leytonstone

Therapies . Efflurage

Deep Tissue/Sports/Remedial Massage

A treatment focused on specific muscles. This type of massage is intended to relieve severe areas of tension in the muscle. It is recommended for people who experience consistent pain and discomfort but it is also used as a preventative treatment for athletes and people who exercise regularly.

Benefit and effects:
•speeds up healing of overworked muscles
•increases range of movement
•helps break down adhesions
•helps get rid of lactic acid and toxins
•can be used as a part of a training programe

Holistic Massage

Helps to create a feeling of deep relaxation and to reduce or eliminate any tension caused by our busy everyday lifestyle. It also helps to improve blood circulation, skin elasticity and combats muscle fatigue and stiffness.

Benefits and effects:
•improves skin tone and elasticity
•improves joint mobility
•improves blood circulation
•speeds recovery after injury
•combats muscle fatigue and stiffness
•increases energy levels


An ancient Japanese method of natural healing. The actual word means ‘universal life energy’.When people receive a reiki treatment they allow the energy to be taken into themselves with beneficial effects. Those who use reiki regularly often find that they are more joyful and have more vitality.

Main benefit and effects:
•create a feeling of deep relaxation
•removes energy blockages allowing a flow of life energy throughout the body
•cleanses the body, mind and spirit

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

A specialised form of massage which uses light, rhythmical, very precise hand movements, pressure and sequences. The massage works at the skin level to influence the direction and the speed of lymphatic flow, re-directing if necessary.

Can be used for:
•detoxifying programme
•fatigued legs
•swollen ankles
•puffy skin
•reduce water retention

Hopi Ear Candling

Ear candling therapy is an ancient form of natural healing used centuries ago by Native Americans, Egyptians and Greeks. The ingredients used in the candles are 100% natural and includes beewax which fights infections and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Candles may be useful if you suffer from these conditions:
•compacted or excessive ear wax
•cold and flu

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